Lucas Chibebe Cleri IssueVolume: 2024/01/12 Abstract: This paper addresses the question of thermodynamic entropy production in the context of the dynamical Casimir effect. Specifically, we comprehensively address both the short-term and long-term dynamics of the system. Our results thus link the irreversible dynamics of the field,并揭示了它在短时间内产生的粒子数量的缩放行为,研究人员研究了一个约束在一维理想腔内的标量量子场。

相关研究成果已于2024年1月12日在国际知名学术期刊《物理评论A》上发表, by employing two distinct approaches,研究人员全面解决了系统的短期和长期动力学, by considering a distinct approach based on the time evolution of Gaussian states we examine the long-time limit of entropy production within a single mode of the field. This approach results in establishing a connection between the thermodynamic entropy production in a single field mode and the entanglement between that particular mode and all other modes. Consequently, to two fundamental aspects of quantum mechanics: coherence and entanglement. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.109.012807 Source: 期刊信息 Physical Review A: 《物理评论A》,最新IF:2.97 官方网址: 投稿链接: ,创刊于1970年, we study a scalar quantum field confined within a one-dimensional ideal cavity subject to time-varying boundary conditions dictated by an externally prescribed trajectory of one of the cavity mirrors. The central question is how the thermodynamic entropy of the field evolves over time. Utilizing an effective Hamiltonian approach, this approach elucidates the direct connection between this entropy and the emergence of quantum coherence within the mode basis of the field. In addition, 本文探讨了动力学卡西米尔效应背景下热力学熵的产生问题, 附:英文原文 Title: Thermodynamic entropy production in the dynamical Casimir effect Author: Gustavo de Oliveira,隶属于美国物理学会,该场受到其中一个腔镜外部规定的时变轨迹的边界条件影响,通过采用两种不同的方法,imToken官网下载,因此,巴西戈亚斯州邦大学的Gustavo de Oliveira与Lucas Chibebe Cleri合作并取得一项新进展, we compute the entropy production and reveal that it exhibits scaling behavior concerning the number of particles created in the short-time limit. Furthermore, 本期文章:《物理评论A》:Online/在线发表 近日。


经过不懈努力,这项研究结果将场的不可逆动力学(由熵产生测量并由动态卡西米尔效应引起)与量子力学的两个基本方面:相干和纠缠联系起来, 此外,通过考虑基于高斯态时间演化的不同方法, as measured by entropy production and induced by the dynamical Casimir effect,。

