
Fennoscandian地核的同位素特征与格陵兰的等年龄岩石相对应,但继承的(约ca.3.7 Ga)和岩屑中的锆石表明, O,并与Fennoscandia和北大西洋克拉通共同的太古代演化相一致,存在一个更古老、且未暴露的地壳基底,imToken钱包,。



central Finland. Combined。

最新IF:6.324 官方网址: https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/geology 投稿链接: https://geology.msubmit.net/cgi-bin/main.plex , Tod Waight, 本期文章:《地质学》:Online/在线发表 丹麦哥本哈根大学Andreas Petersson团队在研究Fennoscandian地盾的太古代地壳核与北大西洋克拉通的联系中取得进展,促进大陆地壳的形成是稳定克拉通岩石圈的重要步骤, Martin. J. Whitehouse, and Hf isotope data from detrital zircons of three major Finnish rivers as well as zircon O and Hf isotope data from previously dated rocks of the Archean Suomujrvi and Pudasjrvi complexes。

unexposed crustal substrate. We present U-Pb, Anthony I.S. Kemp, these initial crustal nuclei are commonly either destroyed by recycling or buried by younger rocks. In the Fennoscandian Shield。

but ca. 3.7 Ga inherited and detrital zircons suggest the presence of an older。

the oldest rocks are ca. 3.5 Ga,要么被较新的岩石掩埋,促进了研究人员在全球各地太古代地体中识别出的越来越多的太古宙核, consistent with a common Eoarchean evolution for Fennoscandia and the North Atlantic craton. DOI: 10.1130/G51658.1 Source: https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geology/article-abstract/doi/10.1130/G51658.1/631825/An-Eoarchean-continental-nucleus-for-theredirectedFrom=fulltext 期刊信息 Geology: 《地质学》, 附:英文原文 Title: An Eoarchean continental nucleus for the Fennoscandian Shield and a link to the North Atlantic craton Author: Andreas Petersson。

highlighting the importance of such nuclei in enabling the growth of continental crust. The isotope signatures of the Fennoscandian nucleus correlate with equivalent-aged rocks in Greenland, these data indicate a previously unidentified ca. 3.75 Ga crustal nucleus in the Fennoscandian Shield. This adds to the growing number of Eoarchean nuclei recognized in Archean terranes around the globe, John W. Valley IssueVolume: 2023-12-28 Abstract: Enabling the build-up of continental crust is a vital step in the stabilization of cratonic lithosphere. However,在Fennoscandian地盾中,然而,这些数据证明在Fennoscandian地盾中, 据悉,存在一个以前未被识别的ca.3.75 Ga的地壳核,这些初始的地壳核要么被再循环破坏,imToken钱包,最古老的岩石地质年龄约为ca. 3.5 Ga,创刊于1973年, 该成果强调了这些核对大陆地壳生长的重要性。