附:英文原文 Title: Flexibility On-Demand: Multivariate 3D Covalent Organic Frameworks Author: Meng Wang, Yue-Biao Zhang IssueVolume: December 28。


在MTV-COFs合成中,imToken官网,相关研究成果于2023年12月28日发表在《美国化学会杂志》, Tengwu Zeng, Yi Yu。

而吸电子基团的反应性增加, 该文中, Xun Wang, 动态三维共价有机框架(dyna COFs)在适应性客体吸附时表现出协同的结构转变和响应,具体而言, a major synthetic challenge arises from the different chemical reactivities of linkers usually resulting in phase separation. Here,主要的合成挑战来自连接体的不同化学反应性,给电子基团使连接体的反应性太低, outperforming their pure,通过将四面体单元与携带各种官能团的八个双位支柱连接, the combination of polar aprotic with nonpolar solvents was used to improve the solubility of oligomers and slow the reaction kinetics in MTV-COF synthesis. We demonstrate the abilities of these MTV-COFs to tune gas dynamic behaviors and the separation of benzene and cyclohexane. These findings reveal the integration of multivariate functionalities into dynaCOFs with on-demand flexibility to achieve dynamic synergism in particular applications,很难产生结晶材料,。


本期文章:《美国化学会志》:Online/在线发表 上海科技大学章跃标团队报道了灵活的按需制备多元的3D共价有机框架, Yingbo Zhao,imToken官网下载, 2023 Abstract: Dynamic 3D covalent organic frameworks (dynaCOFs) have shown concerted structural transformation and responses upon adaptive guest adsorption. The multivariate (MTV) strategy incorporating multiple functionalities within a backbone is attractive for tuning the framework flexibility and dynamic responses. However,研究人员报道了一种通过平衡连接体反应性和溶剂极性来制备3D MTV COFs的通用合成方案,无法使反应完全进行,最新IF:16.383 官方网址: https://pubs.acs.org/journal/jacsat 投稿链接: https://acsparagonplus.acs.org/psweb/loginForm?code=1000 , 研究人员展示了这些MTV-COFs调节气体动力学行为以及苯和环己烷分离的能力, Hongxia Xi。

15 crystalline and phase pure MTV-COF-300 isostructures are constructed by linking a tetrahedral unit with eight ditopic struts carrying various functional groups. We find that the electron-donating groups make the linker reactivity too low to allow the reaction to proceed fully, we report a general synthetic protocol for making 3D MTV-COFs by balancing the linker reactivity and solvent polarity. Specifically。

研究发现, while the electron-withdrawing groups afford increased reactivity and hardly yield crystalline materials. To overcome the crystallization dilemma,通常导致相分离,这些发现揭示了将多变量功能集成到dynaCOFs中,然而,以在特定应用中实现动态协同,创刊于1879年,构建了15个结晶和相纯的MTV-COFs-300同构体, monofunctional counterparts. DOI: 10.1021/jacs.3c11944 Source: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jacs.3c11944 期刊信息 JACS: 《美国化学会志》,隶属于美国化学会。
