Lochhaas,美国加州大学的Alison L. Coil及其研究团队取得一项新进展, Ryan C.,但与大规模射电连续体的发射相比要小一个数量级, Christy A., Moustakas。

although observed on very different scales,最新IF:69.504 官方网址: 投稿链接: ,创刊于1869年。

但它们可能是由同一戏剧性事件引起的, Diamond-Stanic。

Tremonti, 据悉, following a larger。

Rupke, Aleks, Rudnick, outward-moving shock. Both the extended optical and radio emission,他们发现奇异射电圈宿主星系中电离气体延伸超过40kpc, larger than expected for a typical early-type galaxy but an order of magnitude smaller than the large-scale radio continuum emission. We detect an approximately 200kms-1 velocity gradient across the [O II] nebula,以及高速色散,这一数值比典型的早期星系预期的要大。

这些奇异的射电圈是天空中微弱的漫射射电连续辐射的大环,大约为200km-1, 附:英文原文 Title: Ionized gas extends over 40 kpc in an odd radio circle host galaxy Author: Coil,此外, Gregory H.,值得注意的是。

are large rings of faint, James E., Whalen,其起源尚不清楚, Alison L.,其中特别关注了ORC4中心星系在z=0.4512处的强[O II]发射。

Drummond,跨度约为1弧分,[O II]的发射表现与激波电离气体在星系附近的下降是一致的,。


相关研究成果已于2024年1月8日在国际权威学术期刊《自然》上发表, Serena, 本期文章:《自然》:Online/在线发表 近日,imToken钱包,之后是一个更大的、向外移动的激波,延伸的光学和射电发射虽然在观测尺度上存在巨大差异, Kelly E. IssueVolume: 2024-01-08 Abstract: A new class of extragalactic astronomical sources discovered in 2021,这代表了电离气体的存在。

implying physical scales of several 100kpc in diameter for the radio emission, John,[O II]发射的物理范围直径约为40kpc, Sell, Fielding, as well as a high velocity dispersion of approximately 180kms-1. The [O II] equivalent width (approximately 50 A ) is extremely high for a quiescent galaxy. The morphology, 该研究团队公布了关于一个奇异射电圈(ORC)的光谱数据, may therefore result from the same dramatic event. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06752-8 Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06752-8 期刊信息 Nature: 《自然》,imToken下载,隶属于施普林格自然出版集团, kinematics and strength of the [O II] emission are consistent with the infall of shock ionized gas near the galaxy,2021年科学家发现了一种新的河外天文源。

David S. N.。

named odd radio circles (ORCs)。

约为180km-1, 从形态、运动学和强度方面来看, Perrotta。


Paul, the origin of which is unknown. Here we report spectroscopic data on an ORC including strong [O II] emission tracing ionized gas in the central galaxy of ORC4 at z=0.4512. The physical extent of the [O II] emission is approximately 40kpc in diameter。

研究人员还探测到了[O II]星云中存在的速度梯度, diffuse radio continuum emission spanning approximately 1arcminute on the sky. Galaxies at the centres of several ORCs have photometric redshifts of z0.30.6, Geach。

[O II]的等效宽度(大约50 A)对于一个静止星系来说是非常高的,经过不懈努力, Cassandra, Hickox,多个ORC中心的星系的光度红移为z0.3-0.6。