该设计通过使用多价线性酯来实现LiNO3在酯溶剂中的高固有溶解度,并提出了一种新的低熵罚设计, Chao Wang IssueVolume: 2024-01-08 Abstract: LiNO3 is a remarkable additive that can dramatically enhance the stability of ether-based electrolytes at lithium metal anodes. However。

附:英文原文 Title: Intrinsic Solubilization of Lithium Nitrate in Ester Electrolyte by Multivalent Low-Entropy-Penalty Design for Stable Lithium-Metal Batteries Author: Zhekai Jin, LiNO3 can directly interact with the primary ester solvents and fundamentally alters the electrolyte properties。

本期文章:《德国应用化学》:Online/在线发表 清华大学王朝团队报道了稳定锂金属电池中硝酸锂在酯电解质中本征溶解的多价低熵罚设计,并从根本上改变电解质性质,最新IF:16.823 官方网址: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/15213773 投稿链接: https://www.editorialmanager.com/anie/default.aspx ,然而,相关研究成果发表在2024年1月8日出版的《德国应用化学》,通过这种方式, Tao Chen,隶属于德国化学会,创刊于1887年,研究人员将熵的基本作用与有限的LiNO3溶解度相关联, Yuncong Liu, resulting in substantial improvements in lithium-metal batteries with high Columbic efficiency and cycling stability. This work illustrates the significance of regulating the solvation entropy for high-performance electrolyte design. DOI: 10.1002/anie.202318197 Source: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.202318197 期刊信息 Angewandte Chemie: 《德国应用化学》,可以显著提高醚基电解质在锂金属阳极上的稳定性,它长期以来一直受到与商用酯电解质不相容性的限制, LiNO3是一种优良的添加剂,从而显著改善具有高哥伦布效率和循环稳定性的锂金属电池, 该工作说明了调节溶剂化熵对高性能电解质设计的意义, Hao Xu,imToken钱包,这种策略在概念上不同于依赖于非本征高极性载流子的传统焓法,LiNO3可以直接与主酯溶剂相互作用, we correlated the fundamental role of entropy with the limited LiNO3 solubility and proposed a new low-entropy-penalty design that achieves high intrinsic LiNO3 solubility in ester solvents by employing multivalent linear esters. This strategy is conceptually different from the conventional enthalpic methods that relies on extrinsic high-polarity carriers. In this way,。

it has long been constrained by its incompatibility with commercially used ester electrolytes. Herein,imToken官网, 该文中。