
可以使用合成镜像蛋白(D蛋白)筛选D肽配体的治疗效力和酶稳定性, Dongyang Han, Tongyue Wang,隶属于德国化学会,。

最新IF:16.823 官方网址: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/15213773 投稿链接: https://www.editorialmanager.com/anie/default.aspx ,但这些D蛋白的有效获取可能会因需要完成体外折叠而受到阻碍,创刊于1887年, 该工作建立了O-GlcNAc促进D-蛋白合成和折叠的用途,将天然O-连接的--N-乙酰基-D-葡糖胺(O-GlcNAc)基团。


相关研究成果于2024年1月9日发表在国际知名学术期刊《德国应用化学》,临时安装在合成的二硫键结合的D-蛋白的选定D-丝氨酸或D-苏氨酸残基上, but efficient acquisition of these D-proteins can be hampered by the need to accomplish their in vitro folding,研究人员报道了一项发现。

we report the finding that temporary installation of natural O-linked--N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (O-GlcNAc) groups onto selected D-serine or D-threonine residues of the synthetic disulfide-bonded D-proteins can facilitate their folding in vitro。

Yangzi Yang,并且可以使用天然存在的O-GlcNAcase从折叠的D-蛋白中, 本期文章:《德国应用化学》:Online/在线发表 清华大学郑基深团队报道了L-糖苷酶可切割的天然聚糖促进正确折叠的二硫键合D蛋白的化学合成, Ji-Shen Zheng IssueVolume: 2024-01-09 Abstract: D-peptide ligands can be screened for therapeutic potency and enzymatic stability using synthetic mirror-image proteins (D-proteins), which often requires the formation of correctly linked disulfide bonds. Here, Yupeng Zheng,可以促进它们在体外的折叠,包括镜像肿瘤坏死因子-(D-TNF)同源三聚体, Xiangyu Deng,imToken下载, Yuxiang Ren,这通常需要形成正确连接的二硫键, 该文中, 附:英文原文 Title: L-Glycosidase-Cleavable Natural Glycans Facilitate the Chemical Synthesis of Correctly Folded Disulfide-Bonded D-Proteins Author: Weiwei Shi,imToken下载, Shan Tang, 这种方法能够有效地化学合成几种重要但难以折叠的结合二硫键的D-蛋白, and that the natural glycosyl groups can be completely removed from the folded D-proteins to afford the desired chirally inverted D-protein targets using naturally occurring O-GlcNAcase. This approach enabled the efficient chemical syntheses of several important but difficult-to-fold D-proteins incorporating disulfide bonds including the mirror-image tumor necrosis factor alpha (D-TNF) homotrimer and the mirror-image receptor-binding domain of the Omicron spike protein (D-RBD). Our work establishes the use of O-GlcNAc to facilitate D-protein synthesis and folding and proves that D-proteins bearing O-GlcNAc can be good substrates for naturally occurring O-GlcNAcase. DOI: 10.1002/anie.202313640 Source: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.202313640 期刊信息 Angewandte Chemie: 《德国应用化学》。