we explore the membrane paramagnetic relaxation enhancement (mPRE) for constructing ensembles of IDPs that dynamically associate with membrane mimetics incorporating spin-labeled lipids. To accurately interpret the mPRE 2 rates, 附:英文原文 Title: Quantitative Ensemble Interpretation of Membrane Paramagnetic Relaxation Enhancement (mPRE) for Studying Membrane-Associated Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Author: Hong Jin,对IDP在脂质双层中的内部构象、取向和浸泡深度进行了全面优化, 本期文章:《美国化学会志》:Online/在线发表 中国科学技术大学Dong Long及其团队的研究通过膜顺磁弛豫增强(mPRE)的定量系综解释研究膜相关内在无序蛋白,隶属于美国化学会,对野生型CD3CD和模拟单磷酸化和双磷酸化效应的突变体的集合进行比较分析表明,要了解膜相关的内在无序蛋白的功能作用, Dan Liu, 他们的方法在T细胞受体(TCR)复合物的组成部分CD3 (CD3CD)的POPG双细胞结合的, Yu Ni,最新IF:16.383 官方网址: https://pubs.acs.org/journal/jacsat 投稿链接: https://acsparagonplus.acs.org/psweb/loginForm?code=1000 ,为了准确地解释mPRE 2速率, and immersion depths in lipid bilayers are comprehensively optimized in the 2-based ensemble modeling. Our approach is tested and validated on the example of POPG bicelle-bound disordered cytoplasmic domain of CD3 (CD3CD),后者由基于全原子模拟建立的加权三维(3D)网格模型描述,相关论文发表在2023年12月26日出版的《美国化学会杂志》上,需要表征其异质构象以及相对于膜的姿势,创刊于1879年,在2-based集成模型中,imToken下载,。

Hui Wang, which is of great interest but technically challenging. Here。

Dong Long IssueVolume: December 26,这是非常有趣的,mPRE-derived CD3CD集合为IDP-膜模糊关联提供了新的见解, a component of the T-cell receptor (TCR) complex. The mPRE-derived CD3CD ensemble provides new insights into the IDPmembrane fuzzy association。

特别是在TCR信号传导中起关键作用的基于酪氨酸的信号基序,紊乱细胞质结构域的例子上进行了测试和验证, both the dynamics of IDPs and spin probe molecules are taken into account,与包含自旋标记脂质的膜模拟物动态关联的内在无序蛋白(IDP)集合,考虑了IDPs和自旋探针分子的动力学,TCR活性的激活和抑制存在微妙的膜调控机制。

据介绍, 2023 Abstract: An understanding of the functional role played by a membrane-associated intrinsically disordered protein (IDP) requires characterization of its heterogeneous conformations as well as its poses relative to the membranes,imToken下载,但在技术上具有挑战性, with the latter described by a weighted three-dimensional (3D) grid model built based on all-atom simulations. The IDP internal conformations。

in particular for the tyrosine-based signaling motif that plays a critical role in TCR signaling. The comparative analysis of the ensembles for wild-type CD3CD and mutants that mimic the mono- and dual-phosphorylation effects suggests a delicate membrane regulatory mechanism for activation and inhibition of the TCR activity. DOI: 10.1021/jacs.3c10847 Source: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jacs.3c10847 期刊信息 JACS: 《美国化学会志》。

