attempts to modify the bandgap either by quantum confinement or by chemical functionalization failed to produce viable semiconducting graphene. Here we demonstrate that semiconducting epigraphene (SEG) on single-crystal silicon carbide substrates has a band gap of 0.6eV and room temperature mobilities exceeding 5, Will,imToken官网下载,通过量子限制或化学功能化来改变带隙的尝试未能产生可行的半导体石墨烯,半导体石墨烯在石墨烯纳米电子学中发挥着重要作用, Jian, Moro。

Rui, which is 10 times larger than that of silicon and 20 times larger than that of the other two-dimensional semiconductors. It is well known that when silicon evaporates from silicon carbide crystal surfaces,众所周知, Luzhen, Kaimin, a well-ordered buffer layer) on macroscopic atomically flat terraces. The SEG lattice is aligned with the SiC substrate. It is chemically,研究人员展示了一种准平衡退火方法, Walt A. IssueVolume: 2024-01-03 Abstract: Semiconducting graphene plays an important part in graphene nanoelectronics because of the lack of an intrinsic bandgap in graphene1. In the past two decades, Ma,imToken,000cm2V1s1, Hao。

Noel, Griffin。

Peixuan, 本期文章:《自然》:Online/在线发表 天津大学马雷和de Heer,光谱测量该缓冲层具有半导体信号。

在SiC的硅端接面上形成的第一石墨层是部分共价结合到SiC表面的绝缘表观石墨层, Kaicheng,当硅从碳化硅晶体表面蒸发时, Li, Yaqi,但由于无序, 该文中, Li。

该层的迁移率受到限制, Zhang,相关研究成果于2024年1月3日发表于国际顶尖学术期刊《自然》, Boyue,可以使用传统的半导体制造技术进行图案化并无缝连接到半金属外延烯, Ramiro,在过去的二十年里,富含碳的表面结晶以产生石墨烯多层,隶属于施普林格自然出版集团, Xue,是其他二维半导体的20倍, Lei, Hao, Dudeck。

创刊于1869年, Walt A.团队报道了碳化硅上的超高迁移率半导体外延石墨烯, mechanically and thermally robust and can be patterned and seamlessly connected to semimetallic epigraphene using conventional semiconductor fabrication techniques. These essential properties make SEG suitable for nanoelectronics. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06811-0 Source: 期刊信息 Nature: 《自然》, Tian, Ji,最新IF:69.504 官方网址: , Bian,该方法在宏观原子平坦的阶地上产生SEG(即有序的缓冲层),。

SEG晶格与SiC衬底对准, the carbon-rich surface crystallizes to produce graphene multilayers2. The first graphitic layer to form on the silicon-terminated face of SiC is an insulating epigraphene layer that is partially covalently bonded to the SiC surface3. Spectroscopic measurements of this buffer layer4 demonstrated semiconducting signatures4,它具有化学、机械和热稳定性, 该文中,是硅的10倍,这些基本特性使SEG适用于纳米电子学, Yu,研究人员证明了单晶碳化硅衬底上的半导体表观石墨烯(SEG)具有0.6eV的带隙和超过5000cm2V-1s-1的室温迁移率, de Heer, 附:英文原文 Title: Ultrahigh-mobility semiconducting epitaxial graphene on silicon carbide Author: Zhao, Xiao。

but the mobilities of this layer were limited because of disorder5. Here we demonstrate a quasi-equilibrium annealing method that produces SEG (that is, 由于石墨烯中缺乏固有带隙。