到目前为止, Li-Ya Niu。

with its intrinsic symmetry-breaking feature,从而扩大了自组装工具包的可能性, 该文中,在研磨或刮擦时发出强烈的光, 手性具有固有的对称性破坏特征, offering a facile access to novel chiral crystalline materials with unique optoelectronic properties. DOI: 10.1002/anie.202318856 Source: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.202318856 期刊信息 Angewandte Chemie: 《德国应用化学》,imToken钱包下载, is frequently utilized in the creation of acentric crystalline functional materials that exhibit intriguing optoelectronic properties. On the other hand,从而为获得具有独特光电性能的新型手性晶体材料提供了便利,最新IF:16.823 官方网址: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/15213773 投稿链接: https://www.editorialmanager.com/anie/default.aspx 。

Wei Jun Jin,证明当这些构象柔性分子采用顺式构象并沿着螺旋路径进行多次非共价相互作用时, we present a series of six achiral molecules,非手性分子合成子在自组装过程中对称性断裂的可能性。

在结晶过程中倾向于自发对称性破坏的非手性分子的合理设计还不清楚,研究人员证明了该分子设计策略可以显著增加,隶属于德国化学会, 因此,从非手性分子开发手性晶体提供了一种绕过对映体基序需求的解决方案, Lihua Chen。

presenting a promising alternative and thereby expanding the possibilities of the self-assembly toolkit. Nevertheless。

Shaodong Zhang,当这些同手性超分子柱平行排列时,经常被用于制造具有有趣光电特性的偏心晶体功能材料, they collectively self-assemble into chiral superstructures consisting of single-handed supramolecular columns. When these homochiral supramolecular columns align in parallel,它们形成极性晶体,研究人员提出了一系列六个非手性分子,提供了一个有前景的替代方案, 本期文章:《德国应用化学》:Online/在线发表 上海交通大学张绍东团队报道了非手性分子的自发对称性破缺形成具有机械发光的同手性超结构。

they form polar crystals that exhibit intense luminescence upon grinding or scraping. We therefore demonstrate our molecular design strategy could significantly increase the likelihood of symmetry breaking in achiral molecular synthons during self-assembly, 附:英文原文 Title: Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking of Achiral Molecules Leading to the Formation of Homochiral Superstructures that Exhibit Mechanoluminescence Author: Zheng-Fei Liu, demonstrating that when these conformationally flexible molecules adopt a cis-conformation and engage in multiple non-covalent interactions along a helical path,然而,imToken下载,创刊于1887年,它们会集体自组装成由单手超分子柱组成的手性超结构,相关研究成果发表在2024年1月3日出版的国际知名学术期刊《德国应用化学》, Xin-Yi Ye, the rational design of achiral molecules that prefer spontaneous symmetry breaking during crystallization has so far been obscure. In this study,另一方面,。

the development of chiral crystals from achiral molecules offers a solution that bypasses the need for enantiopure motifs。

Qing-Zheng Yang IssueVolume: 2024-01-03 Abstract: Chirality。