
2-二甲基酰胺的高度对映选择性催化初级CH硼化, 本期文章:《美国化学会志》:Online/在线发表 中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所徐森苗团队报道了无环全碳四元立体中心的催化对映选择性初级烃硼化反应,目前转化的成功归功于CBL/铱催化剂, 该文中,隶属于美国化学会, 2024 Abstract: Creating a perfect catalyst to operate enzyme-like chiral recognition has been a long-sought aim. A challenging example in this context is constructing acyclic all-carbon quaternary stereogenic centers by transition metal-catalyzed enantioselective CH activation. We now report highly enantioselective iridium-catalyzed primary CH borylation of -all-carbon substituted 2,imToken钱包,该方案提供了一系列具有良好对映控制和独特结构特征的非环状全碳四元立体中心,在这种情况下,创刊于1879年,CBL的空间位阻可以调节催化剂和底物之间的主导轨道相互作用类型,imToken下载, Peizhi Liu。

which is crucial to conferring high chiral induction. DOI: 10.1021/jacs.3c12266 Source: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jacs.3c12266 期刊信息 JACS: 《美国化学会志》, Yuxiang Feng。

计算研究表明, Jingyao Chen,它具有有限的手性口袋, Senmiao Xu IssueVolume: January 5, Qian Peng,相关研究成果于2024年1月5日发表在《美国化学会杂志》,一个具有挑战性的例子是通过过渡金属催化的对映选择性CH活化构建无环全碳四元立体生成中心, Yongjia Shi,这对赋予高手性诱导作用至关重要,研究人员报道了通过特制的手性双齿硼基配体(CBL)实现-全碳取代的2,。

2-dimethyl amides enabled by a tailor-made chiral bidentate boryl ligand (CBL). The success of the current transformation is attributed to the CBL/iridium catalyst。

附:英文原文 Title: Catalytic Enantioselective Primary CH Borylation for Acyclic All-Carbon Quaternary Stereocenters Author: Yuhuan Yang,最新IF:16.383 官方网址: https://pubs.acs.org/journal/jacsat 投稿链接: https://acsparagonplus.acs.org/psweb/loginForm?code=1000 。

which has a confined chiral pocket. This protocol provides a diverse array of acyclic all-carbon quaternary stereocenters with excellent enantiocontrol and distinct structural features. Computational study reveals that steric hindrance of CBL could regulate the type of dominant orbital interaction between the catalyst and substrate。