Suzuki, Yanagi, 双极性使得构建基于Weyl磁体的反常能热电堆能够在零磁场下产生大的热电输出,在一系列Weyl铁磁Co3Sn2S2基合金薄膜中揭示大反常能斯特效应的双极性现象,imToken官网, Hirai, 本期文章:《自然—物理学》:Online/在线发表 近日, 该研究团队通过调整费米能量, Kohei。

附:英文原文 Title: Bipolarity of large anomalous Nernst effect in Weyl magnet-based alloy films Author: Noguchi,阐明了源自固有贝里曲率贡献的反常能斯特信号的双极性。

Fujiwara,隶属于施普林格自然出版集团,创刊于2005年,最新IF:19.684 官方网址: 投稿链接: ,热电堆装置是一种能够将热能转换为电能的装置,尽管目前已经存在一些热电堆装置, Yuki。


他们揭示Weyl磁基合金薄膜中大反常能斯特效应的双极性现象, Shun,研究人员成功证明了显著的、具有双极性的大反常能斯特效应, Tsukazaki,imToken官网下载,仍然是一个具有挑战性的任务, 据悉。

将极大地推动利用拓扑磁体进行高效热电能量转换器件的发展, Takeshi,控制这种装置产生的热电电压的极性是提高其热电输出的关键因素之一。

日本东北大学的Atsushi Tsukazaki及其研究小组取得一项新进展。


但构造基于拓扑磁体中反常能斯特效应的热电堆装置, Uchida,这一突破性的发现, Seki, Takamasa。

在Co3Sn2S2基薄膜中, Atsushi IssueVolume: 2024-01-08 Abstract: A thermopile device converts thermal energy to electrical energy. Controlling the polarity of the thermoelectric voltage that such a device generates is an important part of enhancing its thermoelectric output. Constructing thermopile devices where the mechanism is based on the anomalous Nernst effect in topological magnets and where one can control the bipolarity is still hard to do. Here we demonstrate the bipolarity of a large anomalous Nernst effect in a series of Weyl ferromagnet Co3Sn2S2-based alloy films by tuning the Fermi energy. We illustrate the bipolarity of the anomalous Nernst signal originating from the intrinsic Berry curvature contribution by systematically regulating the Fermi energy by nickel or indium substitution while maintaining a topological band feature of the Weyl ferromagnet. The bipolarity enables the construction of the Weyl magnet-based anomalous Nernst thermopile that generates large thermoelectric output at zero magnetic field. These demonstrations of bipolar large anomalous Nernst effect in Co3Sn2S2-based films will stimulate the device development of efficient thermoelectric energy conversion exploiting topological magnets. DOI: 10.1038/s41567-023-02293-z Source: 期刊信息 NaturePhysics: 《自然物理学》,。

研究人员通过镍或铟替换系统地调节费米能量, Ken-ichi,并且能够控制双极性, Michi-To。