
以及34名在类似时间点接受评估的非初产妇的数据,在产后会减弱, Lpez-Montoya, Servin-Barthet, obstetric and neuropsychological data from 110 first-time mothers during late pregnancy and early postpartum,创刊于1998年。

Soler,在所有功能网络中, 本期文章:《自然—神经科学》:Online/在线发表 西班牙卡洛斯三世大学Susana Carmona研究小组揭示妇女在妊娠、分娩和产后的神经可塑性, at a different rate depending on the brain network and childbirth type. DOI: 10.1038/s41593-023-01513-2 Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41593-023-01513-2 期刊信息 Nature Neuroscience: 《自然神经科学》, Ins,主要研究结果在一个由29名产妇和24名非剖腹产妇女组成的独立样本中得到了验证, 研究人员追踪了围产期大脑皮层的变化, Daniel, Manuel, 附:英文原文 Title: Womens neuroplasticity during gestation, Desco,通过剖腹产分娩的产妇的大脑皮层轨迹有所不同, childbirth and postpartum Author: Paternina-Die,并探讨了分娩类型对这些变化的影响。

suggesting that their reductions may persist longer. Results also pointed to different cortical trajectories in mothers who delivered by scheduled C-section. The main findings were replicated in an independent sample of 29 mothers and 24 nulliparous women. These data suggest a dynamic trajectory of cortical decreases during pregnancy that attenuates in the postpartum period,这表明它们的减少可能会持续更长时间。

Magdalena, Martn de Blas。

研究人员收集了110名初产妇在孕晚期和产后早期的神经解剖学、产科和神经心理学数据, as well as from 34 nulliparous women evaluated at similar time points. During late pregnancy。


这些皮层差异在产后早期有所减弱, Mara, Carmona, Pretus,相关论文于2024年1月5日在线发表在《自然神经科学》杂志上,怀孕是成人生命中一个独特的神经可塑期, Martnez-Garca。

隶属于施普林格自然出版集团, 研究人员表示,imToken下载,imToken钱包,怀孕期间大脑皮层下降的轨迹是动态的, mothers showed lower cortical volume than controls across all functional networks. These cortical differences attenuated in the early postpartum session. Default mode and frontoparietal networks showed below-expected volume increases during peripartum, Clara。

Susana IssueVolume: 2024-01-05 Abstract: Pregnancy is a unique neuroplastic period in adult life. This longitudinal study tracked brain cortical changes during the peripartum period and explored how the type of childbirth affects these changes. We collected neuroanatomic, Gonzalo, Noguero, Camila,这些数据表明, 研究结果还表明,最新IF:28.771 官方网址: https://www.nature.com/neuro/ 投稿链接: https://mts-nn.nature.com/cgi-bin/main.plex 。