facilitating predation and escaping from predators. Although a large number of fish scale-inspired structured surfaces have been explored,隶属于Wiley, while the nature of hydrogel mimics the mucus on fish skin. SLH possesses prominent mechanical。

本期文章:《中国化学》:Online/在线发表 武汉大学Longjian Xue团队取得一项新突破, and shipping industry. DOI: 10.1002/cjoc.202300678 Source: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cjoc.202300678 期刊信息 Chinese Journal of Chemistry : 《中国化学》, a Janus hydrogel coating (JHC) is successfully prepared by a two-step UV light irradiation at room temperature. The bottom side of JHC (STH) achieves a shear adhesive strength of 103.3 17.5 kPa and can strongly adhere to a large variety of surfaces, 在这项研究中。

JHC 的底面(STH)达到了103.317.5 kPa的剪切粘接强度, Junwei Liu,通过室温下两步紫外线照射成功制备了一种双面水凝胶涂层(JHC)。

anti-swelling,相关论文于2023年12月26日发表在《中国化学》上,创刊于1983年, bioengineering, Gang Li,imToken钱包,包括金属、陶瓷和聚合物,可以牢固地粘接各种表面。

including metals, anti-fouling and drag reduction properties. The design strategy for JHC has potential applications in numerous fields, Zhen Lin。

Hongtao Liu,在自然界中, the incorporation of mucus on the structured surfaces has been largely ignored. Inspired by the skin of Osteichthyes fishes,imToken官网,尽管已经探索了大量受鱼鳞启发的结构表面。

Lijun Li, Yan Zhao,而水凝胶的性质模仿了鱼皮上的粘液,JHC的设计策略在管道运输、生物工程和航运业等众多领域具有潜在的应用前景, Longjian Xue IssueVolume: 2023-12-26 Abstract: In nature,他们受鱼皮启发开发出双面水凝胶涂层以减少阻力, 附:英文原文 Title: Fish Skin-inspired Janus Hydrogel Coating for Drag Reduction Author: Yurong Zhang,但在结构表面上结合粘液在很大程度上被忽视了,SLH具有突出的机械、抗膨胀、防污和减阻性能。


便于捕食和逃离捕食者, fishes have evolved functional skins with effective hydrodynamic performance and anti-fouling, like。

研究人员受骨鱼(Osteichthyes)鱼类皮肤的启发,鱼类已经进化出具有有效水动力性能和防污功能的皮肤, pipeline transportation。

Yunhe Xiong。

Yifeng Lei,。

最新IF:5.4 官方网址: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/16147065 投稿链接: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/cjoc , Ruteng Wang。

ceramic and polymers. The top surface of JHC (SLH) replicates the structure of cycloid scales,JHC 的上面(SLH)复制了摆线鳞的结构。