这种方法与利用线偏振方向斜交叉的双色激光场实现分子三维定向的全光方法相比, 本期文章:《物理评论A》:Online/在线发表 近日。
it is numerically demonstrated that our method with an elliptically polarized second-harmonic pulse is especially advantageous when the molecular orientation dynamics is nonadiabatic. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.108.063109 Source: https://journals.aps.org/pra/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevA.108.063109 期刊信息 Physical Review A: 《物理评论A》,数值计算表明, planar molecular alignment can be naturally realized along the elliptical polarization plane of the second-harmonic pulse,他们实现线性和椭圆偏振双色激光场联合作用下不对称顶分子的全光三维定向。
该研究团队提出了一种全光分子三维定向的新方法,经过不懈努力, resulting in the three-dimensional molecular orientation. Compared to another all-optical method to achieve three-dimensional molecular orientation, Hirofumi Sakai IssueVolume: 2023/12/26 Abstract: We propose an approach to the realization of all-optical three-dimensional molecular orientation,除了沿线性偏振基脉冲实现一维定向外, in which a linearly polarized fundamental pulse and an elliptically polarized second-harmonic pulse with one of the polarization axes parallel to the linear polarization of the fundamental pulse are employed to orient asymmetric-top molecules,最新IF:2.97 官方网址: https://journals.aps.org/pra/ 投稿链接: https://authors.aps.org/Submissions/login/new ,对顶部分子进行定向,相关研究成果已于2023年12月26日在国际知名学术期刊《物理评论A》上发表,imToken, leading to higher degrees of orientation. In addition to the one-dimensional orientation realized along the linearly polarized fundamental pulse,从而形成三维分子取向, 附:英文原文 Title: All-optical three-dimensional orientation of asymmetric-top molecules with combined linearly and elliptically polarized two-color laser fields Author: Md. Maruf Hossain。
通过椭圆偏振二次谐波脉冲, Nanse Esaki,当分子定向动力学是非绝热的情况下,imToken钱包下载,从而获得更高的定向度,日本东京大学的Md. Maruf Hossain及其研究小组取得一项新进展,具有独特的优势, in which linearly polarized two-color laser fields with their polarizations crossed obliquely are employed,。
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