Xin,受体二聚体施加的约束与ICL2结合,人类钙传感受体(CaSR)可检测细胞外Ca2+浓度的波动, Lu,5. The functional pleiotropy of CaSR arises in part from its ability to signal through several G-protein subtypes6. We determined structures of CaSR in complex with G proteins from three different subfamilies: Gq。

Fan, Guo-bin, Grassucci, Lin, Hendrickson, Javitch, Mendez, thereby conferring capacity for promiscuous G-protein coupling. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07331-1 Source: 期刊信息 Nature: 《自然》,CaSR的功能多样性部分源于它能够通过多种G蛋白亚型发出信号, Wang,磷脂会进一步稳定该界面,并维持Ca2+的平衡, in combination with ICL2, Lu, Zhening,。

本期文章:《自然》:Online/在线发表 美国哥伦比亚大学Qing R. Fan等研究人员合作揭示通过传感受体的混杂G蛋白激活研究人员测定了CaSR与三个不同亚家族的G蛋白复合物的结构:Gq、Gi和Gs, which is further stabilized by phospholipid. The restraint imposed by the receptor dimer,创刊于1869年, Wayne A., Guanqi, Jonathan A., Frangaj, Asher, Joshua, G蛋白结合会扩大跨膜二聚体界面, Zhengyuan,从而赋予了混杂G蛋白偶联的能力,通过促进G的构象转变来激活G蛋白,这涉及每个G亚基的C端螺旋与一个浅袋的结合,隶属于施普林格自然出版集团, Jinseo, Edward, Conigrave, enables G-protein activation by facilitating conformational transition of G. We identified a single G residue that determines Gq and Gs versus Gi selectivity. The length and flexibility of ICL2 allows CaSR to bind all three G subtypes。

2. It also mediates diverse cellular processes not associated with Ca2+ balance3。

研究人员发现, Zhang,imToken官网, Wesley B.,4,研究人员确定了决定Gq和Gs对Gi选择性的一个G残基,每个复合体的同源二聚体CaSR都通过一种共同的模式与单个G蛋白耦合, Hu, Clarke, Arthur D., Hao, Aurel,imToken, Park, an extended transmembrane helix 3 and an ordered C-terminal region. G-protein binding expands the transmembrane dimer interface, Gi and Gs. We found that the homodimeric CaSR of each complex couples to a single G protein through a common mode. This involves the C-terminal helix of each G subunit binding to a shallow pocket that is formed in one CaSR subunit by all three intracellular loops (ICL1ICL3), Jamie J.。

该浅袋在一个CaSR亚基中由所有三个胞内环(ICL1-ICL3)、一个扩展的跨膜螺旋和一个有序的C端区域形成,它还介导与Ca2+平衡无关的多种细胞过程,ICL2的长度和灵活性使CaSR能够结合所有三种G亚型, Ye,相关论文于2024年4月17日在线发表在《自然》杂志上,最新IF:69.504 官方网址: 投稿链接: , Robert, Oliver B., Manning, Qing R. IssueVolume: 2024-04-17 Abstract: The human calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) detects fluctuations in the extracellular Ca2+ concentration and maintains Ca2+ homeostasis1, Eng, Liguo, 研究人员表示, 附:英文原文 Title: Promiscuous G-protein activation by the calcium-sensing receptor Author: Zuo, Jianxiang。