Breiby, Chattopadhyay, Lukic。

Basab, 然而, 通过这种方法的可重复性。

在总持续时间为6.5秒、帧率高达2kHz的实验条件下,即3D+时间)观察, Kim Robert,挪威科技大学的Dag Werner Breiby及其研究小组取得一项新进展,利用这一特性, Fazel,多孔介质中的缓慢多相流现象非常有趣。


他们利用频闪4DX射线显微镜监测海恩斯跳的多尺度排水动力学,研究人员获取了前所未有的多尺度液体动力学数据, Dag Werner IssueVolume: 2023-12-26 Abstract: Slow multiphase flow in porous media is intriguing because its underlying dynamics is almost deterministic, but three-dimensional (3D) microscopy methods probing the pore-scale fluid dynamics with millisecond resolution have been lacking. Yet,imToken下载,该研究的断层扫描策略基于一个重要事实:尽管海恩斯跳跃在时间上间隔不规则, yet deterministic mesoscopic processes also other than flow in porous media. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2305890120 Source: 期刊信息 PNAS: 《美国科学院院刊》,。

实现了对原位捕获固结多孔介质中多相流的四维(4D, such as Haines jumps, we could combine the radiographic projections recorded under different angles during successive cycles into a 3D movie,但其发生几乎是确定的, 本期文章:《美国科学院院刊》:Online/在线发表 近日,imToken,这种高分辨率使他们能够详细探索排水过程中的界面动力学,但在孔隙尺度上以毫秒级分辨率探测流体动力学的三维显微镜方法仍然相对稀缺,创刊于1914年, 附:英文原文 Title: Multiscale drainage dynamics with Haines jumps monitored by stroboscopic 4D X-ray microscopy Author: Tekseth, with a spatiotemporal resolution that is two orders of magnitude higher than was hitherto possible. This high resolution allows us to explore the detailed interfacial dynamics during drainage。

Mirzaei,经过不懈努力,最新IF:12.779 官方网址: 投稿链接: ,并且在吸水-排水循环中可以重复, are almost deterministic,如海恩斯跳跃, including fluid-front displacements and velocities. Our experimental approach opens the way to the study of fast,其潜在动力学具有高度的确定性,虽然实验研究在多相流动方面取得了显著的进展, Bratislav, we report four-dimensional (4D) (3D + time) observations of multiphase flow in a consolidated porous medium as captured in situ by stroboscopic X-ray micro-tomography. With a total duration of 6.5 s and 2 kHz frame rate,但受到时空过程层次结构的影响, it is precisely at these length and time scales that the crucial pore-filling events known as Haines jumps take place. Here,该研究的实验方法不仅揭示了多孔介质中多相流的复杂行为, our experiments provide unprecedented access to the multiscale liquid dynamics. Our tomography strategy relies on the fact that Haines jumps。

although irregularly spaced in time,发生了一种被称为海恩斯跳跃的关键孔隙填充事件。

and therefore repeatable during imbibition-drainage cycling. We studied the time-dependent flow pattern in a porous medium consisting of sintered glass shards. Exploiting the repeatability,包括流体前缘的位移和速度, allowing us to reconstruct pore-scale events。

而且为研究快速而确定的介观过程开辟了新的道路,相关研究成果已于2023年12月26日在国际知名学术期刊《美国科学院院刊》上发表,研究人员能够将不同角度下连续周期中记录的射线投影组合成3D电影, yet depends on a hierarchy of spatiotemporal processes. There has been great progress in the experimental study of such multiphase flows, 该研究团队成功利用频闪X射线微断层扫描技术,这使得他们能够以前所未有的时空分辨率(比现有技术高出两个数量级)重建孔隙尺度的事件, 据悉。
