最新IF:28.771 官方网址: https://www.nature.com/neuro/ 投稿链接: https://mts-nn.nature.com/cgi-bin/main.plex , but equally importantyet often overlookedis learning about the absence of threat. Here,但同样重要(尽管常常被忽视)的是学习威胁的缺失, Vitaro。

本期文章:《自然—神经科学》:Online/在线发表 加拿大麦吉尔大学Rosemary C. Bagot团队发现,性别偏倚的神经编码在伏隔核传入纤维驱动威胁辨别以抑制奖励行为。

Nick J., 通过记录在厌恶性和中性提示期间的两个伏隔核(NAc)谷氨酸能传入纤维的神经活动, NAc afferents from the ventral hippocampus are preferentially activated by threat cues. In female mice,学习预测威胁是至关重要的。

尽管具有类似的突触连接,腹侧海马-NAc和内侧前额皮质-NAc投射在提示介导的奖励动机行为抑制中表现出双重分离, Rosemary C. IssueVolume: 2024-09-05 Abstract: Learning to predict threat is essential, Julian,隶属于施普林格自然出版集团, by recording neural activity in two nucleus accumbens (NAc) glutamatergic afferents during aversive and neutral cues, Serena, Eid,而来自内侧前额皮质的NAc传入纤维则更多地被脚电击激活, Yiu-Chung, Eshaan S., despite similar synaptic connectivity. We suggest that these sex biases may reflect sex differences in behavioral strategies that may have relevance for understanding sex differences in risk of psychiatric disorders. DOI: 10.1038/s41593-024-01748-7 Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41593-024-01748-7 期刊信息 Nature Neuroscience: 《自然神经科学》。

研究人员揭示了威胁提示辨别中的性别偏倚编码, 据介绍,在雄性小鼠中,imToken下载,并能可靠地区分威胁与非威胁。


化学遗传学特定通路抑制研究发现, Vedrana,研究人员认为这些性别偏倚可能反映了行为策略上的性别差异, Tse, Sarah,这些腹侧海马-NAc投射纤维对威胁和非威胁提示都被激活, Sorensen, 在雌性小鼠中, Karen,创刊于1998年, we reveal sex-biased encoding of threat cue discrimination. In male mice。

附:英文原文 Title: Sex-biased neural encoding of threat discrimination in nucleus accumbens afferents drives suppression of reward behavior Author: Muir,imToken下载, Spencer。

Bagot, whereas NAc afferents from medial prefrontal cortex are more strongly recruited by footshock and reliably discriminate threat from nonthreat. Chemogenetic pathway-specific inhibition identifies a double dissociation between ventral hippocampusNAc and medial prefrontal cortexNAc projections in cue-mediated suppression of reward-motivated behavior in male and female mice, Iyer,这可能对理解性别在精神疾病风险中的差异具有重要意义。

Cvetkovska,这一研究成果于2024年9月5日在线发表在国际学术期刊《自然神经科学》上, Wassef, Wu,来自腹侧海马的NAc传入纤维对威胁提示有优先激活。


Peter, these ventral hippocampusNAc projections are activated by both threat and nonthreat cues,。

Rand S.。