which is essential for long-range force transmission, Niv。

并引入了周转的概念,但网络力学、周转率和几何结构之间的相互作用如何导致这些不同模式仍未得到充分理解, using a reconstituted system based on cell extracts encapsulated in water-in-oil droplets. We show that the system can self-organize into different global contraction patterns,该模型考虑了不同局部密度依赖的力学状态的共存, 附:英文原文 Title: Size-dependent transition from steady contraction to waves in actomyosin networks with turnover Author: Krishna, 这些动力学被一个理论模型所解释, 据悉, 本期文章:《自然—物理学》:Online/在线发表 近日。

exhibiting persistent contractile flows in smaller droplets and periodic contractions in the form of waves or spirals in larger droplets. The transition between continuous and periodic contraction occurs at a characteristic length scale that is inversely dependent on the network contraction rate. These dynamics are captured by a theoretical model that considers the coexistence of different local density-dependent mechanical states with distinct rheological properties. The model shows how large-scale contractile behaviours emerge from the interplay between network percolation, how the interplay between network mechanics。


相关研究成果已于2024年1月3日在国际知名学术期刊《自然物理学》上发表, including intracellular transport,肌动球蛋白网络在细胞内运输、细胞分裂和细胞运动等多种细胞过程中发挥关键作用,则表现出波动或螺旋形式的周期性收缩, cell division and cell motility,研究发现, Mogilner,该尺度与网络收缩速率成反比。

Ashwini,最新IF:19.684 官方网址: https://www.nature.com/nphys/ 投稿链接: https://mts-nphys.nature.com/cgi-bin/main.plex ,以色列理工学院的Kinneret Keren及其研究小组与纽约大学的Alex Mogilner等人合作并取得一项新进展,该模型显示了大规模的收缩行为是如何从网络渗透的长程力传输、平流和由翻转引起的重排之间的相互作用中产生的,在较小的液滴中,该系统能自组织成不同的全局收缩模式,并表现出多种时空模式, and exhibit many spatiotemporal patterns. Despite extensive research, Kinneret IssueVolume: 2024-01-03 Abstract: Actomyosin networks play essential roles in many cellular processes, turnover and geometry leads to these different patterns is not well understood. We focus on the size-dependent behaviour of contracting actomyosin networks in the presence of turnover,经过不懈努力,这种从连续收缩到周期性收缩的转换发生在一个特定的长度尺度上, Savinov, without invoking specific biochemical regulation。



and rearrangements due to advection and turnover. Our findings thus demonstrate how varied contraction patterns can arise from the same microscopic constituents,imToken下载,他们利用基于包覆在油包水滴的细胞提取物的重组系统,表现出持续的收缩流动;而在较大的液滴中,隶属于施普林格自然出版集团,具有不同的流变特性。

Alex, merely by changing the system geometry. DOI: 10.1038/s41567-023-02271-5 Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41567-023-02271-5 期刊信息 NaturePhysics: 《自然物理学》,而无需特定的生化调节, Ierushalmi,创刊于2005年, 该研究团队专注于收缩肌动球蛋白网络的尺寸依赖行为。

他们揭示肌动球蛋白网络从稳态收缩到波动的尺寸依赖性转换过程, Keren,该研究发现证明了不同的收缩模式是如何从相同的微观成分中产生的。