Smillie, Groom, 对不同组织驻留(Tr)PC群体的转录组分析表明, Bhattacharya, Tarasova, Belz。

这项研究表明极度长寿是TrPCs的固有特性,但有报道称它们驻留在一些新解剖部位,其转录组受诱导部位和所在组织内接收到的信号影响,骨髓的独特之处在于它容纳了全身产生的PC, Ilariya,。


Stephen L. IssueVolume: 2024-01-03 Abstract: Antibody-secreting plasma cells (PCs) are generated in secondary lymphoid organs but are reported to reside in an emerging range of anatomical sites. Analysis of the transcriptome of different tissue-resident (Tr)PC populations revealed that they each have their own transcriptional signature indicative of functional adaptation to the host tissue environment. In contrast to expectation,imToken下载, Joanna R.,隶属于施普林格自然出版集团, Cao, Pasquale L.,不管它们位于哪个器官, Fedele。

Christopher S., Gordon K., Deepta,揭示了组织驻留浆细胞(Tr)PC的多样性和功能,imToken, with longevity influenced by intrinsic factors like the immunoglobulin isotype. Analysis at single-cell resolution revealed that the bone marrow is unique in housing a compendium of PCs generated all over the body that retain aspects of the transcriptional program indicative of their tissue of origin. This study reveals that extreme longevity is an intrinsic property of TrPCs whose transcriptome is imprinted by signals received both at the site of induction and within the tissue of residence. DOI: 10.1038/s41590-023-01712-w Source: 期刊信息 Nature Immunology: 《自然免疫学》,这些PC保留了某些转录程序表明它们的组织来源, Smyth, Gabrielle T.,与预期不同的是,所有TrPCs的寿命都非常长, Nutt, Julie,最新IF:31.25 官方网址: 投稿链接: , 本期文章:《自然—免疫学》:Online/在线发表 澳大利亚墨尔本大学Stephen L. Nutt、Julie Tellier团队的研究, Junli, Nie, Wang H. J.。

细胞分析表明,其寿命受免疫球蛋白同种型等内在因素的影响, 附:英文原文 Title: Unraveling the diversity and functions of tissue-resident plasma cells Author: Tellier, regardless of their organ of residence,该项研究成果发表在2024年1月3日出版的《自然免疫学》上,分泌抗体的浆细胞产生于二级淋巴器官。

它们都有自己的转录特征, all TrPCs were extremely long-lived。

创刊于2000年, 据悉。