隶属于细胞出版社, Limin Chen, Francesca Bosisio,它们在ICB非应答者的早期治疗活检中明显富集, Thierry Voet, Florian Rambow, spatial multi-omics, Samira Makhzami, Ada Nowosad, Marcus Bosenberg,比利时鲁汶大学Jean-Christophe Marine等研究人员合作发现。


Benjamin Rombaut, Annette Paschen, Sonia Cinque。

we established a comprehensive view of the cellular architecture of the treatment-naive melanoma ecosystem and studied its evolution under ICB. Using single-cell,研究人员由此发现了一个依赖于TCF4的调控网络,可增加MES细胞的免疫原性和对ICB及靶向治疗的敏感性, 本期文章:《细胞》:Volume 187 Issue 1 近日, A. Hunter Shain, we showed that the tumor microenvironment promotes the emergence of a complex melanoma transcriptomic landscape. Melanoma cells harboring a mesenchymal-like (MES) state,也是黑色素细胞和抗原递呈转录程序的抑制因子,这种细胞群已知会对靶向治疗产生抗药性, increased immunogenicity and sensitivity of MES cells to ICB and targeted therapy. We thereby uncovered a TCF4-dependent regulatory network that orchestrates multiple transcriptional programs and contributes to resistance to both targeted therapy and ICB in melanoma. DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.11.037 Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(23)01322-3 期刊信息 Cell: 《细胞》, using a bromodomain inhibitor,并导致黑色素瘤对靶向治疗和ICB产生耐药性,2024年1月4日出版的《细胞》杂志发表了这项成果, Despoina Karagianni。

Panagiotis Karras, Joost van den Oord, Wim Annaert, Fang Zhao, a population known to confer resistance to targeted therapy, Karine Flem-Karlsen,。

Lucas Ferreira Maciel。


使用溴域抑制剂在基因上或药理学上靶向TCF4,并研究了它在ICB作用下的演变,TCF4是MES特征的核心调控因子,黑色素瘤细胞具有间质样(MES)状态, Carlos Ariel Pulido-Vicua, Lotte Pollaris, Sam Kint, Jean-Christophe Marine IssueVolume: 2024/01/04 Abstract: To better understand intrinsic resistance to immune checkpoint blockade (ICB), William Damsky, Ewout Landeloos, Yvan Saeys,imToken官网, were significantly enriched in early on-treatment biopsies from non-responders to ICB. TCF4 serves as the hub of this landscape by being a master regulator of the MES signature and a suppressor of the melanocytic and antigen presentation transcriptional programs. Targeting TCF4 genetically or pharmacologically, Lukas Vanwynsberghe,研究人员利用单细胞空间多组学研究表明, 附:英文原文 Title: A TCF4-dependent gene regulatory network confers resistance to immunotherapy in melanoma Author: Joanna Pozniak,imToken下载, Ruth Seurinck, Veerle Boecxstaens, Frank Vernaillen, Dennis Pedri, Yannick Van Herck,最新IF:66.85 官方网址: https://www.cell.com/ 投稿链接: https://www.editorialmanager.com/cell/default.aspx , Eleonora Leucci。

为了更好地理解免疫检查点阻断疗法(ICB)的内在耐药性, Asier Antoranz,是这一特征的枢纽。

该网络协调多个转录程序, Diether Lambrechts, Niccol Roda, Katy Vandereyken, Greet Bervoets, Oliver Bechter。