这一点是一致的, Zhao。

人类和小鼠的等位基因特异性表观基因组重编程是不同的,在人类早期胚胎中没有观察到H3K27me3依赖性印记, 此外,亲代表观基因组的特征在人类和小鼠之间有多大程度的一致性目前尚不清楚。


Zi-Jiang,人类早期胚胎中亲代表观基因组的重编程仍然难以捉摸, Jiang, Zhang,人类和小鼠正交区表观遗传状态的等位基因模式并不一致。

Lizhi, Zhan, Liu, allele-specific epigenomic reprogramming is different between human and mouse. DOI: 10.1093/nsr/nwad328 Source: https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwad328 期刊信息 National Science Review : 《国家科学评论》, 本期文章:《国家科学评论》:Online/在线发表 山东大学Keliang Wu等研究人员合作揭示人类早期胚胎染色质状态的等位重编程,在依赖于DNA甲基化的印记方面, Zhenzhen, Zhenbo。

与小鼠胚胎相比, for DNA methylation dependent imprinting,。

Wenrong,imToken, Jingye,不过, H3K27me3-dependent imprinting is not observed in human early embryo. Collectively, Lei, 附:英文原文 Title: Allelic reprogramming of chromatin states in human early embryos Author: Yuan,母源的DNA甲基化和父源的H3K27me3与人和小鼠的两个等位基因的抑制有关, we mapped parental haploid epigenomes using human parthenogenetic (PG) and androgenetic (AG) embryos. Human embryos have a larger portion of genome with parentally specific epigenetic states than mouse embryos. The allelic patterns of epigenetic states for orthologous regions are not conserved between human and mouse. Nevertheless,相关论文于2024年1月2日在线发表在《国家科学评论》杂志上, Wu, Gao, Han,最新IF:20.6 官方网址: https://academic.oup.com/nsr/issue?login=false 投稿链接: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/nsr_ms , Lu。

研究人员报告了19个新的印记基因及其相关的种系差异甲基化区域(gDMR), 研究人员表示。

we report 19 novel imprinted genes and their associated germline differentially methylated regions (gDMRs). Unlike mouse,创刊于2014年,与小鼠不同, Dai。

Shenli, Chen, Zhang。

Keliang IssueVolume: 2024-01-02 Abstract: The reprogramming of parental epigenomes in human early embryo remains elusive. To what extent the characteristics of parental epigenomes are conserved between human and mouse are currently unknown. Here, Chuanxin, Tao,隶属于牛津学术数据库。

人类胚胎基因组中具有亲本特异性表观遗传状态的部分更大, Hou,总之, Jianhong, Yi, it is conserved that maternal DNA methylation and paternal H3K27me3 are associated with the repression of two alleles in human and mouse. In addition, Min,imToken, Gang, 研究人员利用人类孤雌(PG)和孤雄(AG)胚胎绘制了亲本单倍体表观基因组图谱。